Today I had the bedroom A/C repaired. This A/C unit has not worked since we bought the RV. I wish we had been able to tell while still at the RV dealership. The problem was the start capacitor.
Here is an image of a good one. As you can see it has a nice black outer cover with the wires nicely attached.

Good A/C Capacitor
Here is the image of our bad capacitor.

Blown Capacitor
There is hardly anything left. The black areas are where it was burning, which explains why we smelled something burning in the RV.
Norcold Refrigerator Recall:
When we purchased the RV we found some paperwork and some parts explaining the refrigerator had a recall. Luckily the parts were in the RV so we just needed to get them installed. Our A/C repairman was nice enough to install this for us. It only took him about 25 minutes to complete the installation of the kit and test things out. This will allow us to use the refrigerator without concern of it catching fire.
Getting both of these items repaired will now allow us to begin using the RV again. Having A/C in the rear of the coach is going to be great as we have yet to spend anytime in the RV where we are cool.
I could have done both of these repairs myself as neither one was difficult, but I wanted to make sure they were done correctly since we do drive this building down the road. I am glad both items have been repaired and we can go camping.